Auto ordnance 1911 45
Auto ordnance 1911 45

auto ordnance 1911 45

Trump” and the seal of the president’s office engraved along the right side of the slide and frame. Auto-Ordnance teamed with Outlaw Ordnance for the fine custom work. The front and rear slide serrations also carry the same darkened matte accents and make it easy to cycle the handgun that made America great the first time around. Offsetting the shine is a well-controlled border consisting of a deep black Cerakote finish that wraps around the entire gun. Stainless steel was chosen as the main finish to add flair yet still remain classy. Already a highly polished piece, this beauty is refined and emblazoned with everything that makes the current presidency so tremendous.

auto ordnance 1911 45

The commemorative Trump 45 starts life as a 5-inch-barreled Thompson Custom 1911. It’s too bad I didn’t have one of these when I was in college! Anyway, now that my firearm was no longer “undocumented,” I headed straight home to start my evaluation. For a guy who the mainstream media swears is loathed by women, this tribute to his legacy is going three for three. Here my Trump 45 picked up its next two admirers: a pair of female state troopers. As she slid it across the counter, she warned her husband and co-owner Cliff, “If Frank doesn’t keep it when he’s done, I’m going to.” I left the store and headed to one of the most anti-American institutions in the country, the New York State Police Pistol Permit Bureau. Includes a 7-round magazine.When it finally arrived at Long Island Gun Source, co-owner Heather begrudgingly handed it over. The Auto-Ordnance Case Hardened 1911s are each a work of art, covered in a beautiful, swirling finish. This time honored tradition of working steel produces distinct and unique patterns of color long sought after by firearms aficionados. Auto-Ordnance has done just that with the new GI Series 1911 with case hardened finish. Kahr Arms 1911GCH: Taking a classic 1911 to the next level without diminishing its history is no easy feat, but adding an even more classic finish formally raises the bar.

Auto ordnance 1911 45